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Adding Behaviors to an App or App Object

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Some objects in the Layout view carry behaviors by default, such as the Submit button object and the Page button object. Both have default behaviors assigned to the Button Is Pressed event. However, you cannot manipulate those behaviors (or override them) because they are not shown on the Behaviors view for those objects. For more complex behavior sequences, use the basic button object.


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To add a behavior to the app or app object:


1.With an app loaded in the App Designer in Layout view, select the field or button object that should trigger the behavior. For example, when the user answers a question, you may want to show a message onscreen. This can be triggered by clicking a specific field or button on the app.

2.On the Properties panel, choose the event that should trigger the behavior to run. PerfectApps switches to Behavior view.

3.From the Apps Commands section of the Toolbox, drag and drop the command onto the canvas.

4.On the Properties panel, select the command parameters.


Where more than one behavior command is included in a single event, it is necessary to define the order in which the commands are triggered by attaching connector arrows between the objects.

Click on the edge of a behavior command to locate the yellow dot join points. Select a join point and with your left mouse button held down, drag a connector arrow to a join point on the next command in the sequence.


Most behavior objects you drag onto the canvas will need some properties set. You may prefer to drag all your objects onto the behavior canvas before setting each property, or you may prefer to drag and drop a single object and set its properties before starting on another object. You will determine your preferred method after more experience in the Behavior view.


See also: Adding Behaviors to a Workflow Path


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