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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

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Welcome to PerfectApps

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Simple. Powerful. Smart.

Create any type of online app or workflow application without writing a single line of code. Drag and drop to design a user interface, map the workflow, integrate with other systems, and build reports without coding.


About this documentation

This help is designed both as a course in using PerfectApps and as an ongoing reference while you are working with the application. You can skim it for easy reference, work through it systematically for in-depth knowledge and refer to it for additional information whenever you need. The guide can be viewed on mobile devices, too.


Getting started - new users

Study the PerfectApps Overview and Quick Start sections to familiarize yourself with the basics of the application.

Watch the Video Tutorials to learn about specific techniques and how to manage your PerfectApps account.

Check out all the links in the guide - plenty of help is available!


System Administrators

Study the Account Setup and Administration section to familiarize yourself with system administration.


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A bulb will indicate tips & Best Practice advice.


A green flag will indicate key information.


A red warning sign speaks for itself. Read carefully when you see one.


Indicates a link to a related tutorial video.


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