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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

In some circumstances it might be necessary to include administration functions within an app's logic. Reasons for this might include:


Re-notifying a stakeholder if they have lost their notification and can't get back into an instance of an app.

Notifying a new stakeholder after a change in personnel.

Manually moving an app to a different stage.

Any combination of the above.

This interactive sample app demonstrates the techniques that can be used to include administration functions in an app.



To download this app, click here. Then extract and import the app. Log on to PerfectApps, go to the Apps Workspace and click the Import button. Then select the app file you saved locally (.PA or .PF) and continue through the import steps. This download also includes a document explaining the key features of the app.


To learn how to import an app into your account see App Management Video Tutorials


Please do be aware that the app embedded below is slightly different from the one available to download above. The embedded app has been modified slightly to enable it to work directly from within the help guide. You will see, in blue, the option to add in an email for an Admin User. Ordinarily, and in the example available to download, the Admin User would be defined within your own PerfectApps system and a link made in the workflow properties.



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