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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

After adding objects, you will want to explore alignment options. Align objects using:

The Format Align options

Snap Text to Neighbor

Snap Text to Grid


The Format > Align options apply to both objects and text labels but two or more items need to be selected for the options to be available. You can align objects to the top, right, bottom, left, vertical center or horizontal center.


Document Icon

To align objects using Format Align:


1.With an app loaded in the App Designer, click the Layout Universal - Form Layout Icon button if not already in Layout mode.

2.Select multiple objects on the app.


The format alignment options are available only when two or more objects are selected.


3.From the menu bar, select Format > Align > Right. Or, you can use a right mouse-click to view the same options.


See also: Aligning with Snap to Grid


Return to: Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects, Laying Out an App, Designing an App