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Notifications, reminders and escalations are assigned to paths in the workflow using the Notify behavior command.


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1.With an app loaded in the App Designer in Workflow view, select the workflow path that should prompt a notification.


For more information on building the workflow, go to the Adding Workflow topics.

2.On the Path Properties under the Behavior section, click Edit. PerfectApps switches to the Behavior view.


You can assign other behavior commands to run as the workflow changes stages such as Check Mandatory.

3.From the Toolbox, locate the Workflow section and drag a Notify command to the behavior canvas.

4.With the Notify command selected, click Edit on the Properties panel. The Edit Notifications dialog is displayed.

5.Click Add to create a notification.


You can create multiple notifications on this single Notify command.

6.On the General tab, enter a Title for the notification.

7.Set the Attention Level as it will appear in the Dashboard. All other levels are increasing in importance, which will show up in the color bar on the dashboard.

8.Select the role of the person who should receive the notification.

9.Click the Person tab. The Person tab is where you can override the role selected on the General tab and choose another recipient. Usually, the default setting of Person assigned to this role is suitable.

10.Click the Time tab. The Time tab is where you can specify a time or a delay for the notification. Usually, the default setting of Now is suitable.

11.Click the Cancellation tab. Specify a condition for when the notification should be removed from the recipient's Dashboard. The default settings usually are suitable for removing the notification from the dashboard, as the subsequent change in stage would normally indicate that the required task has been completed.

12.Click the Message tab. Enter a message for the notification recipient(s). This message can include data fields from the app instance.

13.Enter a Subject.

14.Enter the message body.

15.The message will default to be sent by e-mail. To change this setting, uncheck the Send by email check box.

16.  If any changes are needed to which e-mail server will send the notification, select the Email tab to make those changes. (See Adding an E-mail Server as an Account Resource)

17.  In the same Notify command, you can notify other parties of the app instance by clicking Add in the Notifications list.

18.  Click OK to save the notification rules.


In most cases you will enter all of your notifications on a single Notify command. However, there may be circumstances where you would use two or more Notify commands. It is possible to set an instruction to cancel all notifications in a single Notify command.


See also: Notify Command - General Tab


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