PerfectApps can run in Designer mode, Admin mode or Player mode.
Designer mode is running whenever a user is editing an app or report.
Admin mode runs whenever a user is active in the main dashboards, excluding app and report design mode.
Player mode runs when apps or reports are being viewed by a user.
PerfectApps Designer runs in the main browsers.
Minimum Recommended Versions
•Microsoft Edge 91
•Firefox 80
•Safari 14
•Chrome 88
The following platforms are also supported for the main dashboards (Admin mode), viewing apps and reports. (Player mode)
•iOS 14 and above
•Android 11 and above
Note: PerfectApps will not run on the Microsoft Pocket PC.
Memory Requirements
PerfectApps can run in Designer mode or Player mode. Designer mode runs whenever a user builds or edits an app or report (not when submitting an instance, for example). The designer mode requires more memory as it is a full-fledged designer application that contains extensive functionality and requires the management of large amounts of data in apps. PerfectApps recommends having a minimum of 4GB free memory available, with 8GB recommended. Larger apps with more complex behaviors may need more than 8GB of free memory available.
The Player runs when an app is being completed rather than designed. This requires less memory but is dependent on the size of the app. PerfectApps recommends having at least 60MB of free memory for typical apps. Extensive apps may require 200MB or more of free memory, although apps of this size are rare.
Disk Capacity
As PerfectApps is browser-based, it does not require local storage.
See: Navigating PerfectApps Components
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