The Call JavaScript command is a behavior object found in the integration .
The settings section allows you to enter the function, specify related parameters and target information.
Call JavaScript Settings
Additional Information
Enter the name of the function as it appears in the Web page code or the DOM function.
The value in this column is used for sending parameters from the app to the javascript in the embedded page.
If you have your javascript in a field, click a cell in this column to launch the Select a Field dialog where you can select the source field. If you are using a formula, select the check box in the Formula cell then click the Source cell to launch the Formula Editor.
Select this check box to enable formula editing for the selected parameter. Once selected, you can click in the Source column to launch the Formula and Conditions Editor.
Using the Formula and Condition Editor
Add button
Click the Add button to add a parameter row to the list.
Remove button
Click the Remove button to remove a parameter row from the list.
Return Value Target
[Return Value Target Selection]
Select the app field that a value retrieved from the JavaScript function should be written to. Once the field is selected, the field name will display in the read-only field to the left of the Select button on the Properties panel.
Only a single value can be returned from the JavaScript (not arrays). If you need to have more than one value returned then use comma separated string, or have multiple JavaScript functions to return each of the values individually.
The summary section includes the option to override an automatically generated summary with your own comments.
This option is selected by default, the system will automatically generate a summary that is show in the lower half of the object based on selections made.
Un-check this box if you want to add your own text instead.
To return to the Call JavaScript command details CLICK HERE.
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