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Checking for Mandatory Fields

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The need to check for mandatory fields is a very commonly used behavior. It typically ensures that the user cannot move to the next page or submit an app until all required fields have been completed.



Mandatory fields can also be managed in the Layout view by checking the Mandatory Answer option on the object properties. However, be aware that mandatory checks made in this way are not performed until the app is submitted. For multi-page apps, this could mean having to go back several pages to enter mandatory data. We recommend using behaviors to perform mandatory checks as a user completes each page.


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Complete the following steps to add mandatory field checking to an app:


1.Click on the button object that should prompt field checking.  


Assigning behavior to the Button is Pressed event on a Page or Submit button is impossible. If you want to add additional behavior to a button, then use a basic Button object for complex behavior sequences.


2.On the Button properties, click the Button Is Pressed behavior event. PerfectApps switches to the Behavior view.

3.In the Objects Commands section of the Toolbox on the left, drag and drop the Check Mandatory command onto the layout canvas.

4.In the Main section of the Properties panel, ensure that the properties are visible. If not, click on the blue section heading to show them.

5.Click the Add button to select the mandatory app fields. You will now see a dialog that allows you to select one or more fields.

6.Expand pages and select the fields you want to make mandatory. Click OK.


See also: Checking for Mandatory Fields on Multi-Page Apps


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