The Copy Fields command is a behavior object found in the objects .
The settings section enables you to choose the source and destination fields to copy and paste field values.
Copy Fields Settings
Additional Information
Once the Add Fields button has been clicked and a new row added to the table, click the Ellipses button in the 'From' column to select the source field from which data should be transferred.
Once the source field has been selected (in the 'From' column), click the Ellipses button in the 'To' column to select the destination field to which the data should be transferred.
Add Fields
Click this Add Fields button to add a new row to the fields source and destination table.
Remove Fields
Click this Remove Fields button to remove a row from the fields source and destination table.
The summary section includes the option to override an automatically generated summary with your own comments.
This option is selected by default, the system will automatically generate a summary that is show in the lower half of the object based on selections made.
Un-check this box if you want to add your own text instead.
To return to the Copy Fields command details CLICK HERE.
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