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Limiting User Access to App Fields

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Different people will open your app instances at different stages of its life. You would not want to allow all users the same level of access to fields at all stages. For example, applicants could authorize their requests if you do that.


With field state management, you control access to individual objects on the app. You can prevent individual roles from changing or even viewing specific data or areas on the app. This section describes how to control access to fields based on a user's role and the workflow stage the app instance occupies.



You do not have to have workflow and roles configured on an app to limit user access to fields and pages. You will set field states for the objects on the app in the object properties panel. However, those states will always apply regardless of the user or the stage the app is in within its life cycle.


Also, while controlling field access through behaviors using a combination of condition branches and set state objects is possible, it would be quite complicated to manage it in that way.


See also: Planning Your Field State Strategy


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