The Print command is a behavior object found in the app ..
The Settings section includes the file name, which pages to include and appendix for data not visible on the app.
Additional Information
File Name
Enter the name of the PDF file generated by the Print command.
Print Settings
Select this radio button to assign all pages in the app to be printed when the Print command runs.
Select this radio button to assign the active page of the app to be printed when the Print command runs.
Select this radio button to assign only the pages selected in the list box below the 'Specific' radio button to be printed when the Print command runs. One or more pages can be selected by holding the CTRL button and clicking on the pages to be included.
[Section Selection]
Select which sections will print when the Print command runs (in addition to the pages specified in the 'Pages' section). Options include:
•Complete - Prints the app pages and, if there is an appendix needed, will print a separate page with the entire table. •App Pages Only (no helper or hidden pages) - Will not print an appendix page. •Complete, But Separated - Will print app pages and appendix pages as separate PDFs. •Appendix Only - Will not print app pages. |
Data that is not visible on screen, normally in multi-line text input and table objects, can be presented in an appendix.
Appendix Size
[Appendix Size Selection]
Select the page size for the appendix. Options include:
•Custom •Print - Letter •Print - Legal •Print - Executive •Print - DIN A4 •Print - DIN A5 •Print - DIN B4 •Print - DIN B4 |
Specify the width of the printed appendix.
Select inches or other dimension units to help determine the size of the printed appendix.
Specify the height of the printed appendix.
Specify the resolution of the printed appendix in dots per inch.
The summary section includes the option to override an automatically generated summary with your own comments.
This option is selected by default, the system will automatically generate a summary that is show in the lower half of the object based on selections made.
Un-check this box if you want to add your own text instead.
To return to the Print command details CLICK HERE.
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