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Designing a Report

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PerfectApps offers a real-time, Web-based reporting system for app and survey data. The reporting capabilities feature numerous ways to display your data, including pie charts, bar charts, tables and more. You can link reports to applications for real-time drill-down on current workflows, include multiple data sources in a single report, and build a PerfectApps reporting portal to report on anything you collect


The Report Designer is similar to the App Designer. You build reports using objects and create a data source connection with an app or apps of your choosing to populate that report.



The Report Designer is not supported on mobile devices.



The basics of report design include understanding how to:


Attach a report to a Data source which has been created by a published app

Select the fields on which to report

Add charts to your report

Add data lists or data grids to your report

Add filters to your report

Use more than one data source in a report