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icon Set Field In

The Set Field In Other Instance command is a behavior object found in the integration toolbox.




The Set Field In Other Instance command can be used to send data from a field in the active instance into a field in another instance.



The data is sent directly app instance record in the database so the other instance doesn't have to be open.

It is also necessary to have the instance id of the other instance stored as a property in the active app instance.


This command will take only send one element of data at a time. If you want to send several elements of data to another instance consider using an Update App Connection instead.


For full details on the Set Field In Other Instance command properties CLICK HERE.


Set Field in Other Instance

Set Field in Other Instance

(4 min)

The Set Field in Other Instance behavior command is one of the methods available to pass data into a field in a different instance of an app. This tutorial demonstrates how to configure the command.


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