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icon Set Table Rows

The Set Table Rows command is a behavior object found in the objects toolbox.




The Set Table Rows command controls important aspects of the table object. This includes adding or removing rows of data, moving the focus up and down rows in the table and filtering the table contents.



While some of these actions can also be controlled by the table object itself, you may find that you want to restrict or customize those actions. The Set Table Rows command grants added control over those actions.


For full details on the Set Table Rows command properties CLICK HERE.


Table Looping Behavior

Table Looping Behavior

(6 min)

Sometimes it's necessary to manipulate table data one row at a time using a looping behavior. Check this tutorial to see how that can be done.

Table Functions - Interrogate

Table Functions - Interrogation

(5 min)

There are functions available that will permit interrogation of data in a table column. It's possible to check if specific data is contained in a table column and also possible to count the number of times it's found. Watch this tutorial for more details.

Table Functions - Manipulation

Table Functions - Manipulation

(5 min)

There are also functions available that will permit manipulation of data in a table column. It's possible to replace specific data, to delete rows where specific data exists or filter the data to only show rows where specific data exists. Watch this tutorial to find out how.


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