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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

Snap Text to Neighbor only applies to text labels. When enabled, it automatically aligns the label with the middle of the nearest app object (e.g., text input field, button, check box) as you drop the text label on the page.

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To align text labels using Snap Text to Neighbor:


1.From the menu bar, select View > Snap Text to Neighbor - On.

2.Move the text label to the nearest associated object.


If a text label jumps around while dragging or placing, it may be because this feature is enabled, and the label is snapping unexpectedly. If this happens, turn off the Snap to Text Neighbor option from the View menu.



See also: Moving Objects a Pixel at a Time


Return to: Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects, Laying Out an App, Designing an App