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Notification Video Tutorials

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The tutorial videos in this section describe the Notifications Dashboard, how to locate specific notifications and what information is available to see.


Notification Dashboard Overview

Notification Dashboard Overview

(2 min)

Notifications are an important part of the PerfectApps workflow system, it's how stakeholders in a process are alerted to requests they're involved with. This tutorial covers an overview of the Notifications Dashboard which is available to full and basic licensed users.

Opening an Instance

Opening an Instance

(4 min)

The Notifications Dashboard displays important notifications and allows the user to open instances from a single place. Watch this tutorial to learn how to navigate the dashboard, how to find important information, and how to open app instances.


See Also: Overview Video Tutorials, App Design Video Tutorials, Report Design Video Tutorials, App Management Video Tutorials, Report Management Video Tutorials, Connection Video Tutorials, System Administration Video Tutorials


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