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Working with Versions

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After publishing an app, you will often find that you need to make changes to the app. Once an app is deployed and app instances have been submitted, you can still make changes to the app without invalidating previously completed app instances.


PerfectApps provides a version control mechanism that allows repeated changes to the app without invalidating its existing app instances. Changes made to the app can then be tested in draft mode without affecting the data collected in previously published versions.



Version Numbers


Major version numbers are incremented as whole numbers when apps are published. Any version number ending in .0 indicates a published app. For example, if your latest version number before deployment was 3.1, this will generate a version 4.0. The decimal numeral is incremented when you edit an app and save your changes. For example, if you have opened a published app for editing, made and saved your changes and returned to the Dashboard, the version number would be 1.1.



Version Selection


By default, new instances of an app are always created using the latest published version. However, the app designer (and users with design permissions for the app) can change the version setting to Published or Draft.


Document Icon

To learn about versions, complete the following steps:


1.After publishing the app as described in the Publishing and Deploying Your App topic, click Design to open the app for editing.

2.Make changes to the app.

3.On the menu bar, click App > Save as New Version.

4.On the menu bar, click App > Close. PerfectApps loads the Dashboard and shows that the version is 1.1 (or, if the app is not already published, the version will be 0.1).

5.Select the Draft radio button and the minor version (0.1 or 1.1 etc.) from the drop-down.

6.Click New Instance. You will be presented with two options concerning how to send notifications. For initial testing consider the option to redirect all notifications to yourself or for user testing consider the option to send normally. Fill out the app and click Submit.

7.Click Publish. The app version increments to 2.0.

8.Click New Instance and the app loads with the changes you made.

9.Use the Delete button to delete the draft instance that you just created.


For more information on the Draft option, see the Testing Your App Using Draft Instances topic.


For more information on the Published option, see the Reverting to a Previous Version of an App topic.


Version Control

Testing / Version Control

(5 min)

PerfectApps provides a way to modify your app and test those modifications without affecting the current version of the app. Watch this tutorial to learn more about this.


See also: Editing App Settings


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