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Working with Attached Files

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The File Attachment object has three attributes that can be used in conjunction with behaviors.


File Attachment Attributes


The Attachment Id is the hidden unique id for that file and is created by the system.

The Attachment Name is the name of the file attached.


Both of these attributes can be used in behaviors; typically they can be copied into text input fields.


The Attachment File is the attached file. This attribute can be used to copy the file into another File Attachment object or can be used to pass the attached file via a Web Service.


Working with Attached Files

Working with Attached Files

(3 min)

Learn about the different parameters of a File Attachment object and how to use them with PerfectApps behaviors.

Working with Pictures

Working with Pictures

(2 min)

If an image file is attached to an app it's possible to display that image in the app. Watch this tutorial to find out how it's done.


See also: Attached Files, Field States


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