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When the Submit button is clicked, the data is sent to a server and the app closes. See the Submit Button reference topic for a complete list of this button's properties and their uses.



A Submit Data behavior command is also available and can be added to Picture objects to make them act like Submit buttons. This expands your ability to customize the look and feel of your app. See the Submit Data reference topic for more information.


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To add a Submit button:


1.With an app loaded in the App Designer, expand the Common Visuals section of the Toolbox.

2.Drag and drop a Submit Button object onto the app.

3.On the Properties panel, you can specify what should occur after a successful submission. Turn on the Success Message property to present the user with a confirmation dialog after a successful submit. Additionally, under the Advanced section, you can specify an action for the app after the user successfully submits the instance, including loading a URL and re-opening the current instance.


The Submit Button object only submits data when the button is clicked. If you require additional behavior when a user submits their request (such as mandatory field checking), use the basic Button object instead.



See also: Using a Submit Button Object as a Save Button


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