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Using a Submit Button Object as a Save Button

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These steps describe the recommended method for providing a Save action to app users. Commonly used in multi-page or complex apps, a Save button allows users to save their inputs on an app instance and continue with the previously entered data. See the Submit Button reference topic for a complete list of this button's properties and their uses.



The Submit Button object only submits data when the button is clicked. If you require additional behavior when a user submits their request (such as mandatory field checking), use the basic Button object instead. For more information, see the Button reference topic.


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1.With an app loaded in the App Designer, expand the Common Visuals section of the Toolbox.

2.Drag and drop a Submit Button object onto the app.

3.On the Properties panel, edit the Caption property to 'Save'.

4.Expand the Settings section and under After Submission choose Re-Open Same Instance.

Using a Submit Button Object as a Save Button - Re-open Option

5.Optionally, you can enter custom text in the Show Success Message dialog box to notify the user that their data has been saved (instead of the default message text that refers to app submission).


Since the app is being submitted and re-opened using this property, the app instance would be subject to any workflow rules that apply after submitting, potentially causing unintended consequences for the workflow of the app.

The app instance will also re-open at the first visible page unless logic is added to control this.



See also: Adding a File Attachment Object


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