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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

Check Boxes should be used to make either an individual choice (single check box) or multiple choices (group of check boxes). They should be used to toggle an option on or off or to select or deselect an item.



For a complete list of Check Box Properties and their uses, see the Check Box reference topic.


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To add a group of check boxes:


1.Drag and drop a Checkbox Group onto the layout canvas in Layout view. As a usability guideline, use checkboxes in groups of ten or fewer and arrange them vertically for optimal readability.

2.To include more than the default number of 3 checkboxes, drag additional checkbox objects from the Input Object section of the Toolbox and drop them inside the checkbox group. You may have to expand the size of the group first.

3.Under the Main section of the Group Properties, select the Has Header check box to add a header.

4.While still in the Main and Header section, enter a name in the Caption field.

5.To modify style, navigation or behavior settings, select the check box group on the canvas and edit Group Properties on the Properties panel.


See also: Adding a Picture or Graphic


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