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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

For a complete list of Picture Properties and their uses, see the Picture reference topic. The maximum size of file that can be added is 10MB.


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To add a picture to your app, with an app loaded in the App Designer:


1.Select the Images toolbox

2.Click on the Add Image button to start the import wizard.

Add New Asset

3.Click the Select Button, browse to and select the image you want to add and click the OK button.

Select Asset

4.Change the name of the image if required and then click the OK button.

Using Graphics

Using Images

(3 min)

Personalize the style of your app using images. Watch this video to see how to import and then use images effectively in your app.



Add a Submit Data command to the Picture is clicked behavior event to convert your picture into a submit button.



See also: Adding Radio Buttons


Return to: Adding Objects to your App, Laying Out an App, Designing an App