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Navigation: Designing an App > Granting App Permissions

Allowing Others to Edit Your App

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When you create a new app, it is only visible and editable by the user who created it. However, you may want to allow other people to edit your app.


Once an app is shared, it will be moved from the Private top level node of the tree to the Shared top level node. Within the Shared node are the names of users with shared apps. A shared app will be moved into the tree node with the name of its creator. A shared app can be returned to the Private node by clicking the Unshare button.


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To do this, we first need to share the app:


1.Go to the Apps Workspace, click the More Options button (Universal - More options button) and select Share from the drop-down list.

Allowing Others to Edit Your App from Workspace

2.Or go to the Apps Overview and select the app from the Private Apps node in the Edit Apps tree or the Recently Edited list in the detail area.

Private Section and Share Button

3.Click Share. The app has now been moved to the Shared Apps section within the tree list.

4.Expand the Shared Apps node, located below the Private Apps node, and you will see your user name there.


Sharing an App

Sharing an App

(3 min)

If you want to allow other designers to help with your app you can share it and apply certain permissions to restrict what they can do.


See also: Transferring App Ownership to Another User


Return to: Granting App Permissions to learn about granting specific permissions to users.