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Navigation: Designing an App

App Designer Overview

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The App Designer includes a canvas onto which you drag and drop objects to design the app, behavior or workflow. Once objects are placed on the page, they can be moved or manipulated. To change the app, page or object properties (e.g., style, navigation, and behavior), select the object on the canvas and modify the attributes in the Properties panel.  


The App Designer View consists of four views:

Layout (Universal - Form Layout Icon) - The Layout view is where you design the layout of the user interface for the app.

Mobile (Universal - Mobile Icon) - The Mobile view is where you can optimize the app design for viewing on a phone or tablet.

Behavior (Universal - Behavior Area Button) - The Behavior view is where you add app intelligence or actions based on user input such as calculations, validations, showing/hiding objects, sending data or performing lookups.    

Workflow (Universal - Workflow Area Button) - The Workflow view is where you build the process which will route your app between stakeholders. This is also where you will set up notifications, reminders, and escalations based on the process points.


The following are the main navigation options in the App Designer:


To switch between views, click Layout, Mobile, Behavior, or Workflow on the Designer View Panel.  

Universal - Form Layout Icon Universal - Mobile Icon Universal - Behavior Area Button Universal - Workflow Area Button


The menu bar includes File, Edit, Format, View and Help menus regardless of view (Layout, Behavior, or Workflow).  To see a complete breakdown of all menu bar options, see the App Designer Menu Options Reference topic.

Form Designer Overview - Menus


To minimize or maximize the width of the navigation or properties panel click the double arrows at the top of the panel.

Minimize Navigation Panel Universal-GreenArrowsRight
Universal-GreenArrowsLeftMinimize Properties Panel


To increase or decrease the width of the navigation or properties panel click the double line grab handles in the center of the panel edges and drag to open or close the panels.

Modify Panel Size

To expand or collapse a portion of the Navigation or Properties panels, click the up and down arrows or the section heading.

App Designer Overview - Section Expand-Collapse Buttons


See: App Toolbox


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