File Menu
Related Topics
Saves any changes that have been made to the app since it was opened. Alternatively, press Ctrl+s to perform this same action from the keyboard.
Saving and Closing an App
Save as New Version
Creates a new version of your app. This is helpful if you want to design multiple versions of an app before publishing (for example, when you are in the early stages of development).
Working with Versions
Publishing and Deploying Your App
Save as New App
Saves your app as an entirely new app, creating an identical copy in all but name.
Publishes your app to make it available for use, or to update a previously published version.
Publishing and Deploying Your App
Preview option enables you to preview your app to see how it will look and behave in a Web browser once published.
Previewing an App
Loads a preview of the app with an additional details panel. This panel shows behaviors and their results as each one is initiated by events in the app instance.
Closes the app. You will be prompted to save your app if you have not saved changes prior to selecting close.
Saving and Closing an App
Edit Menu
Related Topics
Allows you to undo changes made to the app. Depending upon the change made, it may read Undo Property Change, Undo Resize, Undo Delete, etc. Alternatively, press Ctrl+z to perform this same action from the keyboard.
For the Undo option to be available, at least one change must have been made to the app.
Allows you to redo the change you just undid. Alternatively, press Ctrl+y to perform this same action from the keyboard.
For the Redo option to be available, at least one change must have had the Undo action performed.
Cuts the selected text, object, or group of objects and places them on your clipboard for pasting later. Alternatively, press Ctrl+x to perform this same action from the keyboard.
For this option to be available, at least one object or detail within an object must be selected.
Copies the selected text or app object to your clipboard for later pasting. Alternatively, press Ctrl+c to perform this same action from the keyboard.
For this option to be available, at least one object or detail within an object must be selected.
Takes the selected objects that were previously cut or copied from the app and pastes them into another location on the app. Alternatively, press Ctrl+v to perform this same action from the keyboard.
For this option to be available, an object or detail within an object must have been cut or copied.
Deletes or removes the selected item from the app. You can delete objects, detail within objects or even an entire page for deletion.
Select All
Allows you to quickly select all objects on an app page. Alternatively, press Ctrl+a to perform this same action from the keyboard.
This can make the process of cutting, copying or moving items much faster.
Format Menu
Related Topics
Aligns objects to the top, right, bottom, left, vertical center, or horizontal center. Align menu options apply to both objects and text labels. This option is disabled unless at least two objects are selected.
Additional Align options are available through the right-click menu on the canvas.
Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects
Make Same
Sets the width, height or size of one or more objects to be equal to another specified object. This option is disabled unless at least two objects are selected.
Additional Make Same options are available through the right-click menu on the canvas.
Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects
Space Evenly
Sets three or more objects to be spaced evenly across, down, or both across and down on the app. The Space Evenly menu option requires you to select at least three objects.
Additional Space Evenly options are available through the right-click menu on the canvas.
Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects
Allows you to position an object to fully or partially covers another object. Select Top to bring the selected object to the front layer. Select Bottom to send the selected object to the back layer. Select Up to bring the selected object forward a layer. Select Down to send the selected object backward a layer.
Additional Layer options are available through the right-click menu on the canvas.
Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects
Add New Page
Adds a new page to the app.
Adding a Page
Add Group
Groups any selected objects on the page into a new group. This can also be done through a right-click menu selection.
Grouping Objects Together
View Menu
Related Topics
Hides or shows the formatting grid in the background of the canvas. The grid can help with appropriate vertical and horizontal alignment of objects on the app.
Object Markers
Hides or shows the state markers for each object. State markers are visual indicators of the state of an object. The state of an object can affect whether it is presented to the user (as with a hidden state) or how it is displayed (as with a read-only, or disabled state).
Limiting User Access to App Fields
Workflow Markers
Hides or shows markers associated with paths on the workflow diagram. Small icons indicate whether a path has conditions, behaviors and/or notifications defined.
Snap to Grid
Toggles on or off the function of snapping objects to the formatting grid. This ensures that when you drag an object onto an app, the top left corner will snap to a grid intersection. This option aids object alignment on a page.
Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects
Snap Text to Neighbor
Toggles on or off the function of snapping text to its neighbor. This only applies to text labels. When turned on, this option automatically aligns the label with the middle of the nearest app object (e.g., text input field, button, check box) as you move the text label onto the page.
Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects
Help Center
Launches the Help Center dialog on top of the App Designer. The Help Center contains links to support documentation as well as how-to videos.
Help Links and Help Center
Help Guide
Launches a separate browser window which displays this PerfectApps help guide.
Help Links and Help Center
Click Help to open this online help guide.
See also: App Designer Navigation Panel, App Properties, App Layout Objects, Behavior Commands, Workflow Objects
Return to: App Designer Reference, Designing an App