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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

This feature is offered for an additional charge.


Click HERE to inquire.


Three different options are available for attaching files to the notification e-mail.



Attachments in the notification e-mail are limited to three items only with a maximum file size of 8MB.


1.Insert - Files attached in the app instance using the File Attachment object.

2.Print - A PDF copy of selected pages of the app instance.

3.Existing Instance - A PDF copy of another existing app instance where the other app instance's 'Meta - Link' is stored in a field.


Attachments in Notification



Document Icon



1. Check this option to attach files that have been attached in the app instance.

2. Click the Universal - Ellipses Button button to open a dialogue box.

Attachments in Notification File Attach

3. Select the required File Attachment objects. Use Shift+Mouse Click or Ctrl+Mouse Click to select more than one object.



Document Icon



1. Check this option to attach a PDF copy of the current app instance.

2. Click the Universal - Ellipses Button button to open a dialogue box.

Attachments in Notification Print

3. Select the required pages. Use Shift+Mouse Click or Ctrl+Mouse Click to select more than one page.



Document Icon

Existing Instance:


1. Check this option to attach a PDF copy of an app instance that already exists in the system.

2. Click the Universal - Ellipses Button button to open a dialogue box.

Attachments in Notification Print Instance

3. Select the app field where the existing app instance's 'Meta - Link' has been stored.


Note that it's necessary to use the 'Meta - Link' and not the 'Meta - Instance ID' for the other app instance.


Attachments in Notifications

Attachments in Notifications

(2 min)

Some files can be attached to the notification emails. These include files attached in an instance, a PDF copy of a page in the app and a PDF copy of a different app instance. Watch this tutorial to see how that is done.

NOTE: This feature is offered for an additional charge. CLICK HERE to inquire.


See also: HTML in Notifications


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