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Navigation: Account Setup and Administration > Administering Account Settings

Assigning Account Administrator Permissions

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The owner of the PerfectApps account represents the first account created with this license. You can determine who the account owner is for your account by accessing the Account Settings page of the Settings Dashboard and referencing the "Admin User" field. For additional detail on the Admin User, see the Settings topic.


Assigning Account Admin Perms - Settings Page Admin User

In order to assign Account Administrator permissions, the account owner must first grant a full user the "Users" and "Account" permissions located on the User Details area in the "Role" section. That full user can then grant account permissions to other users as needed. The steps for assigning these account permissions are described below.

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1.Navigate to the Settings Dashboard.

2.In the tree, expand Account Settings > Users > Users and select the user to whom you want to grant account permissions.

3.In the User Details area, choose Full User and assign the Users and Account permissions.

Assigning Account Admin Perms - Settings Dshbrd Role Section

4.Click Apply Changes.


See also: Public User Sign-Up in Player


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