The Account Details view, usually managed by Account Administrators, is available only if you have been granted the Account permission.
For additional information, see the Assigning Account Administrator Permissions topic.
Available settings are described in the reference sections below.
Account Name This name is referred to when logging in with the API Login method and should be noted precisely when used there.
Description This allows you to describe the PerfectApps account.
The Admin User represents the owner of the PerfectApps account. When a new account is established in PerfectApps, the detail provided in that initial enrollment is automatically used to create the first user in the account. This user is then designated as the "Admin User". The Admin User has special privileges. For example, this user cannot be deleted or be made inactive and receives account limit warning e-mails.
Each PerfectApps account can have only one "Admin User." For security reasons, only the current Admin User can change the field to assign a new Admin User. Other users who have Account Administrator permissions (the "Users" and "Account" options are turned on in the Users Details area of the Settings Dashboard) and, therefore, have access to the Settings page can see the name of the Admin User but cannot change it.
If you are the current Admin User and wish to change to a new Admin User, click the ellipses button to the right of the field. This displays the "Select User" dialog which allows you to choose from other users in the account. If the newly selected Admin User is not a Full User, they will be granted Full User status.
To change the Admin User in a single license account, it would be necessary to change the Admin User's email address, Apply the Changes and then Send a Password Link to the new Admin User. |
See also: License Information
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