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icon Check Mandatory

The Check Mandatory command is a behavior object found in the objects toolbox.




The Check Mandatory command checks that required fields are completed. The check excludes any hidden or disabled app objects. If the command returns a required field that is blank, it can:


oDisplay a system warning or a custom warning

oOutline all missing fields in red

oStop execution of the behavior if required



Most input fields already have the 'Mandatory Answer' checkbox in its properties, but using that feature means the field is only checked when the app is submitted. For more complex processes or for multiple page apps it is normally better to use the Check Mandatory behavior command to check for mandatory fields before allowing the user to move to the next page. This can be achieved by triggering a Check Mandatory command prior to a Show Page command.


For full details on the Check Mandatory command properties CLICK HERE.


Mandatory Fields

Checking for Mandatory Fields

(4 min)

Watch this video to learn how to check for mandatory fields in a couple of different ways.


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