The Check Mandatory command is a behavior object found in the objects .
The Main section allows you to select objects to be made mandatory and the message shown.
Check Mandatory Settings
Additional Information
Once the Add button has been clicked and an object has been selected, the Object column will display the name of the object that will be made mandatory when the Check Mandatory command runs.

Click the Add button to display a list of app objects. From that list, select the app object to be added to the objects table.

Click the Remove button to remove the selected object from the objects table.
Show the Object's Default Mandatory Message
Select this radio button to display the object's default mandatory message if conditions are not satisfied.
Show This Message
Select this radio button to display a custom message if conditions are not satisfied.
[Message Text]
If the 'Show This Message' radio button is selected, then this list box is enabled and custom message text can be entered that will be displayed to the app user if mandatory field conditions have not been met.
Stop Execution if Check Fails
Select this check box to automatically stop the behavior if a mandatory field has been left blank or all conditions for the field have not been met (for example, a full e-mail address is not provided).
Checking for Mandatory Fields
If you choose to leave this option off, then you should catch the error using a branch command and test for the Special Value Last Command Was Successful.
The summary section includes the option to override an automatically generated summary with your own comments.
This option is selected by default, the system will automatically generate a summary that is show in the lower half of the object based on selections made.
Un-check this box if you want to add your own text instead.
To return to the Check Mandatory command details CLICK HERE.
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