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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

The radio button group consists of three radio buttons that can be placed on a page as a linked group.



Radio Buttons should always be used in groups. The group determines which radio buttons a single selection can be made from. If radio buttons are placed individually on a page, then the page will be considered as the group.


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To group radio buttons:


1.In Layout view, drag and drop a Radio Button Group onto the layout canvas.

2.The group properties will be displayed on the Properties panel. Under the Main section, select the Has Header check box to add a group header.

3.While still in the Main section and Header sub-section, enter a group caption in the Caption field.

4.In the Main section, go to the Style section to modify appearance.  


Only one Radio Button may be selected from a Radio Button Group. A consequence is that the value and caption of the Radio Button Group will be the value and caption of the Radio Button selected in that group.


See also: Grouping Check boxes


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