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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

You can include app meta data in your reports. To include meta data, edit the data source and scroll to the bottom of the available fields list. Select the meta data fields to report on and click OK.


The following is a list of commonly used meta data fields:


Instance Name - This is the instance name defined in the properties of the app.

Instance Number - This is the sequential instance number that is generated for each app.

Last Submission Date - The date the app instance was last submitted.

Link - This is a special link that can be used within the data list report object and will display an Open button that opens the app instance.

Stage - This shows the current workflow stage for the app instance.

Instance ID - This is a system wide unique number that identifies the app instance.

Parent Instance ID - For child apps, this identifies the app's parent instance.


To learn more on how this meta data can be put to use, see the Creating a Reporting Portal topic.


See also: Reporting on Table Data


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