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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

icon Line Chart

The Line Chart object is report layout object found in the reporting toolbox.




The Line Chart object is used to display data from a PerfectApps app.


You can drag a Line Chart object on to the report and size it. You can then set a variety of properties to control its behavior. In most cases, you will select the field you want to analyze in the Group property which will then set the Value property automatically to Count. Override the default, if necessary.


A Line Chart can also be used as a dynamic filter for other reporting objects from the same data source.


For full details on the Line Chart object properties CLICK HERE.


Line Chart

Line Chart

(2 min)

The Line Chart is another of the options available for displaying data in a report. Watch this tutorial to learn how to use this in your reports.



Return to: Reporting Layout Objects, Report Designer Reference, Designing a Report