To view section properties click on the section on the canvas.
The attributes section the name of the mobile section.
Displays the section name.
The settings section includes details of the settings header and margins.
Show Header
Select the check box to add a title area on the group object.
Shows the name of the section.
Header Height
Select the size of the header text.
Header Alignment
Select the alignment of the header text.
Choose a margin for the section.
Choose from:
oMargin below (default setting) oMargin above oMargin above and below oNo margins |
The Style section contains properties that control the font appearance and theme applied to the object header.
Additional Information
Select the font face for the header caption.
Fonts from the designers local machine will also be available provided the option to Use Custom Font has been selected in the Account Settings, however if the same font is not installed on the users machine then a standard font will be used to display the data.
Choose the size of the font for the header caption.
Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a color for the header caption.
Choose the style of the font for the header caption.
Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a color for the header background.
Select the border appearance type. Choose from None or Solid.
Choose a line weight for the border (in pixels).
Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a color for the border.
Select a numeric value to represent the curvature of the object's corners. The higher the number, the more curved the the edges of the object will be.
Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a background color for the object.

Select this check box to set the background as transparent.

Choose a picture as the background of the object. Only previously loaded images are shown in the drop-down.

Select this check box to pre-load the picture file when the app is accessed.
Set the orientation of the selected background picture within the group object. Options include: Center, Stretch and Tile.
See also: Mobile Design Object Properties Panel
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