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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

icon Picture

The Picture object is app layout object found in the containers toolbox.




The Picture object contains a previously uploaded image. Pictures can be added as single page elements or used as a page background for aesthetic purposes. Picture files that you add from your PC are called App Images and must first be added from the Toolbox.

The image would normally be applied at the design phase but it is also possible to manage images dynamically using the Set Property behavior command.



Although the displayed size of the image can be managed through the Picture object properties we recommend that you prepare your images so that they are the size that you want them displayed in the app. Use of large file sizes can have an impact on the speed that the app or page opens.


For full details on the Picture object properties CLICK HERE.


Using Graphics

Using Graphics

(3 min)

Personalize the style of your app using graphics. Watch this video to see how to import and then use graphics effectively in your app.

Working with Pictures

Working with Pictures

(2 min)

If an image file is attached to an app it's possible to display that image in the app. Watch this tutorial to find out how it's done.


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