The Picture object is app layout object found in the containers .
The Attributes section includes the object name.
Enter a name for the object. This is the name of the object as it will show in field chooser, the Navigation panel and other object lists.
The Behavior section lists possible events on the object that can prompt a behavior to run.
Mouse Moves Over Picture
This event occurs when an app user moves their mouse over the picture object.
Mouse Moves Away From Picture
This event occurs when an app user moves their mouse off of the picture object.
Picture is Clicked
This event occurs when an app user clicks on the picture object. You may assign a Submit behavior to this event and the picture object can then act as a Submit button. This allows more control over the appearance of buttons on your apps.
Picture is Shown
This event occurs when the picture object is shown.
The Settings section includes image settings, print quality, position, tabbing, tool-tip and accessibility.
Picture Settings
Additional Information
Select a previously attached image from the list. If no options are listed in the drop-down, check that you have uploaded an image file (available on the Toolbox).
Adding a Picture or Graphic
Maintain Aspect Ratio
This check box defaults to selected. It is recommended that this default be maintained. If a graphic has an aspect ratio of 2:1, it means that the width is twice as large as the height. When resizing graphics, it is important to maintain the aspect ratio to avoid stretching the graphic out of proportion.
Turning on this option stretches the graphic to the dimensions of the picture object. For a photo image, it is recommended that the Stretch option be turned off.
Adding a Picture or Graphic
Print Quality
Select an option to specify the print quality of the image in the PDF file generated using the Print Button or Print Behavior Command.
Choose from Regular, Good, High or Very High.
Choosing a higher print quality may significantly increase the PDF file size generated.
Displays the object's location in from the top of the app (in pixels).
Displays the object's location in from the left margin of the app (in pixels).
Shows the width of the object.
The width cannot be less than 10px.
Shows the height of the object.
The height cannot be less than 10px.
Indicates the layer number this object occupies. You can drag an object so that it fully or partially covers another object. Depending on the layer number it occupies, it may be positioned underneath another other object.
Tab Index
Indicates the order that objects will be presented in the system to designers when, for example, selecting a field in behaviors..
Tab Index
Enter tooltip text to show to an app user when they hover their mouse over the object.
Enter text that will be read aloud or converted to Braille for JAWS users.
Accessibility and JAWS Compatibility
There are no style settings for a Picture object.
The Access section contains properties for field state management.
To return to the Picture object details CLICK HERE.
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