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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

The Position detail area allows you to assign a single user to a named position, as shown in the steps below. Positions are placeholders for specific user accounts configured across the entire organization.


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To create a new position:


1.Go to the Settings Dashboard.

2.Select Account Settings in the tree, then Users > Users.

3.Click the New button and choose Position.

4.Enter the name and add a description for the position.

5.Select the Active check box to make the position available for assigning tasks, roles, etc. in the workflow to the position.

6.Click Select. Browse for and assign a user to the position.


If you do not see a user you want to assign to this position, you should create one. See Creating a New User.


7.Click Apply Changes.

8.You can now assign tasks, roles or notifications in the workflow to this position.


Only one user can be assigned to a position. A user may be assigned to multiple positions. If that user leaves the organization or changes functions, you must update the position to reflect the change. When the user assigned to a position is changed, historical notifications sent to that position will be displayed in the newly assigned user's Dashboard and not in the previous user's Dashboard.



Creating Positions and User-Groups

Creating Positions & User-Groups

(3 min)

Learn how to create Positions & User-Groups within your PerfectApps account.


See also: Unblocking a Locked-Out User


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