The User-Groups detail area allows the administrator to assign one or more users to a user-group.
If a group of users can handle a certain aspect of the workflow or should receive the same notification, create a user-group and assign the users to that group. Assigning roles to user-groups is an effective way to mitigate future workflow maintenance.
To create a new User-Group: |
1.Go to the Settings Dashboard. 2.Click the New button, then select User-Group. 3.Enter the name and add a description for the user-group. 4.Select the Active check box to make the user-group available for assigning tasks, roles, etc., in the workflow to the user-group. 5.Click Add. Browse for and assign members to the user-group.
6.Click Apply Changes. 7.You can now assign tasks, roles or notifications in the workflow to this user-group. |
Creating Positions & User-Groups (3 min) |
Learn how to create Positions & User-Groups within your PerfectApps account. |
See also: Creating a Position
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