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Navigation: Designing an App

Previewing an App

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You can preview your app to see how it will look and behave in a Web browser once published.


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To preview your app:


1.With an app loaded in App Designer, on the menu bar select File > Preview. The system launches a preview of the app in a new Web browser tab.  

2.Close preview browser to return to the App Designer.


When you preview an app, if you enter test data into the fields and submit, the data is not actually sent and no app instance is created. To fully test an app before publishing it, you may want to fill out and submit some app instances using draft mode. See the Testing Your App Using Draft Instances topic for more information on creating test or draft instances.


Select a stage and role from the Navigation panel before initiating the preview option to see how the app will look and behave at that combination of stage and role. This can be a handy way to check field access rules and any other behavior related to the stage of the app or the role of the person viewing it.



Previewing an App

Previewing an App

(1 min)

Testing & correcting your app as you build it is an important part of app design. Watch this video to see how to test your app in Preview mode.


See also: Saving and Closing an App



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