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Navigation: Designing an App

Saving and Closing an App

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You should save apps that you are working on often. PerfectApps will deny access to the system if data has not been sent from your browser within two hours.


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To save an app:


1.Press CTRL+S on your keyboard.


2.From the menu bar, select File > Save.  Note the other save options in the menu:

If you wish to create a snapshot of the current state of your app, save it and then select Save as New Version.

If you wish to save the app as an entirely new app, then select Save as New App.

If you have already published your app and then make further changes, the system will prompt you to create a new version.



An Auto Save feature allows temporary versions of an app or report to be saved automatically. Suppose the design session expires or the user closes the browser without first saving the app or report. In that case, the temporary version will remain available and can be accessed when the user next opens the app or report in design mode or chooses to publish the app or report. The user may access the last fully saved version too.

It's possible to disable the feature or modify the auto save interval in the Settings / Account Details section.


Enable Autosave


For more details see: Settings


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To close an app:


1.From the menu bar, select File > Close.


You will be prompted to save your app if you have not saved changes prior to selecting Close.


See also: Publishing and Deploying Your App


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