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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

PerfectApps runs through a specific sequence of events for managing field states. First, PerfectApps sets the field states as defined in state management using the following order:


1.All Stages/All Roles - Any default state settings set with the specific combination of All Stages and All Roles are made first.

2.Current Stage All Roles - Next, PerfectApps checks the current stage and if there is a combination of that stage and the All Roles setting, those states will be set. Any states set with the All Stages/All Roles combination will be overwritten.

3.Current Role/All Stages - Next, PerfectApps checks the role of the user accessing the app. If there is a combination of that role and the All Stages setting, those states will be set. All prior states will be overwritten.

4.Current Stage/Current Role - Lastly, if the combination of the current stage and the current role of the user accessing the app were defined, then those states will be set. All prior states will be overwritten.


Objects inside groups


When states are applied to a group and to objects inside that group at the same time, i.e., at the same stage and role combination, then the object states will take priority over the group state.




Once the above actions have taken place, PerfectApps checks for any events with behavior commands that need to be executed. These are checked in the following order:


1.App is opened.

2.Page is shown.

3.Object is shown.


See also: Understanding the Default State


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