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icon Set Field

The Set Field command is a behavior object found in the objects toolbox.




The Set Field command allows you to perform calculations.


The value can be set as fixed text, the value of another input field on the app, special fields or a combination of these using the Formula Editor.



When you are performing a calculation that involves a table, use the Current Row option when setting a table cell or performing a calculation in a cell within the current row. If you want to perform calculations involving sum, average or other functions on a whole column, use the All Rows option along with a function as a part of the Formula property option of the Set Field command.


Setting the value of a field to be the same as a value taken from another field on the app is copying that data. There is also a Copy Fields command that allows you to do the same but with multiple fields in a single command.


For full details on the Set Field command properties CLICK HERE.


Setting Field Values

Setting Field Values

(5 min)

Setting a value into a field can be done dynamically using behavior. Learn how to do this by watching this video.


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