The Set Selection Items command is a behavior object found in the objects .
The settings section enables you to select the list-type object to populate, the caption and the value to populate into that object.
Set Selection Items Settings
Additional Information
[Object Selection]
Click Select to choose the object you want to populate when the Set Selection Items command runs.
To select the desired object, click the Select button, then navigate to the object you want to choose. Once a selection has been made, the value will be shown in the read-only text box to the left of the Select button.
Click the Add Item button, then click in the Caption column and enter the caption for the list item. Repeat in each row for all the list items needed.
Each option in the list presented to the user will have a caption. The caption is the user-friendly representation of the data value equivalent for that selection.
Enter a text or numeric value to be returned when the option is selected and submitted.
Once an item has been added to the table, click in the Value column and enter the data value to be associated with that list option. The value can match the caption text if desired. Repeat in each row for all the list options needed.

Click this Add Item button to add a row to the items list.

Click this Remove Item button to remove a row from the items list.

Click these Move Item Up and Move Item Down buttons to move items up and down in the items list.
Add Predefined List

Click the Add Predefined List button to supply a predefined list that will automatically populate the list. Examples of predefined lists include States, Countries, Canadian Provinces or any list of resources that have been set up on the account.
Adding a List as an Account Resource
The options presented in a drop-down can be dynamic and based on a background look-up to another app or database. See Setting Up a Background Lookup Using a Connect Command.
The summary section includes the option to override an automatically generated summary with your own comments.
This option is selected by default, the system will automatically generate a summary that is show in the lower half of the object based on selections made.
Un-check this box if you want to add your own text instead.
To return to the Set Selection Items command details CLICK HERE.
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