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icon Set State

The Set State command is a behavior object found in the objects toolbox.




The Set State command allows the field state of one or more objects to be changed.


With field state management, you control access to individual objects on the app. You can prevent individual roles from changing, or even viewing specific data or areas on the app. See Limiting User Access to App Fields for information on how to control access to fields and app objects.



When a field state is changed using a behavior, it will persist after the app has been submitted. The next time the app loads, the state will be remembered. It can be overridden by state management settings or subsequent behaviors.


For most input objects the possible states are Default, Normal, Read-Only, Disabled and Hidden. For most other non-input objects the possible states are the same except for Read-Only.


In a workflow app you would most likely want to set the state of objects on the app based on the stage of the app and the role of the person viewing the app. This is achieved using a different method. For more details see Limiting User Access to App Fields.


For full details on the Set State command properties CLICK HERE.


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