The attributes section contains the status property for the workflow.
Workflow Property Attributes
Additional Information
This display-only field shows the logical status of a workflow. Before a workflow has stages, a warning is shown in the Status field indicating that there is no logical flow.
The settings section enables you to define roles and assign users to specific roles for the workflow.
Additional Information
Once the Add button has been clicked and a row has been added to the roles table, you can click in the Name column to enter a name for the new .
Workflow Roles
Default Person
The value in this cell represents the person (a user, user-group, position or e-mail address) assigned to this role in the workflow on an instance by instance basis.
To assign the default person, select the row in the roles table and click the Edit button. The Edit Roles dialog will display, enabling you to assign the default person to the role.
Mapping Roles
Understanding Default Person Options
Add button
Click the Add button to add a new row to the roles table.
Adding a Role
Remove button
Click the Remove button to remove a row from the roles table.
Edit button
Click the Edit button to display the Edit Roles dialog where you can add or edit the default person for the role.
Mapping Roles
Understanding Default Person Options
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