App Instances list
Edit Apps > Overview
This displays a complete list of app instances for your apps. Choose an app from the drop-down menu to filter based only on one specific app.
App Instances list
Edit Apps > App Details
Provides access to app instances for that app. This is only available to the app owner.
App Instances node
Edit Apps tree
Displays in the tree view all app instances that the user is involved in.
App is Active check box
Edit Apps > App Details
The app owner can inactivate the app entirely by unchecking the Active box. This will prevent anyone from accessing the app design and instances, preventing the deletion of an app and its instances altogether.
Clear Lock Button
Edit Apps > Open/Closed instance details
The Clear Lock button can be used to unlock an app instance. Instances are locked when a user opens them and will remain locked if they are closed abnormally, usually by closing the browser window.
Create New App Button
Apps Workspace
This button will create a new app from scratch or from one of the available templates.
Data History button
Edit Apps > App instance details
The Data History button displays an audit record containing data snapshots at the point of each data submission for the app. See Accessing the Data History of an App Instance.
Delete app button
Edit Apps > App Details
This will give you to delete the app in its entirety, delete the mobile design, delete only the previous versions (while keeping the current version), delete previous mobile versions, or delete all draft instances of the app.
Delete instance button
Edit Apps > Open/Closed instance details
This button allows you to delete an individual or group of instances for an app. Note that instances may also be deleted directly from the Edit Apps view using the delete key on your keyboard or the Delete button.
Design button
Edit Apps > App Details
Click the Design button to edit the app in the App Designer.
Details button
Edit Apps > Open/Closed instance details
Click the Details button to view the app instance details (notifications, submission dates, stages and more) for the app instance selected in the list.
Edit Apps > Overview
Double-click on an app in the favorites list to view the details for that app.
Import button (Apps)
Apps Workspace & Overview
Click the Import button under the Apps Workspace to import a PerfectApps app (.PA or .PF). Locate the .PA or .PF file on your PC. This will be uploaded and added to your Private or Shared Apps folder. You can upload apps exported from another account or downloaded from the PerfectApps Website.
Latest Version and Published Version
Edit Apps > App Details
Even after publishing an app, you will often find that you need to make changes to the app to accommodate changes to your business process or data collection requirements. Once an app is deployed and you have started to fill in apps, you still can make changes to the app without invalidating previously completed app instances.
For a complete explanation of version control options, see Publishing and Deploying Your App.
Link button
Edit Apps > App Details
This provides URL and HTML links to a published app. For a complete explanation of the Link button options, see Publishing and Deploying Your App.
Map Versions
Edit Apps > Open/Closed instance details
Click this button to point app instances created under one published version of an app to another version. For more information, see Mapping App Instances to Another Version of the App.
Migrate button
Edit Apps > App Details
This will load a dialog that allows you to import an app file (.PA or .PF), export your app design, export app data to a local file or transfer ownership of your app to another designer. See Exporting Apps and App Data.
Migrate button
Edit Apps > App Details > Data History
For Data History, the Migrate button allows you to save the data history locally in CSV or XML format.
Mobile App is active
Edit Apps > App Details
The app owner can deactivate the app's mobile version of the app, if one exists, by unchecking the active box of the Mobile App. This will prevent anyone from accessing the mobile version of the app but will not affect the standard, non-mobile version.
See Mobile Design for more details.
Edit Apps > App Details
The app's name is shown in the tree in the left panel and elsewhere. It can be changed here and in the App Designer. The app's name must be unique among all apps owned by that user, but it can have the same name as an app created by another user.
New button
Apps Workspace & Overview
In the Apps Workspace, clicking the New button displays a drop-down menu that shows app-related actions, including New App and New Folder. Selecting New > App launches a new blank app in the App Designer. Selecting New > Folder creates a new folder in the selected node of the Apps tree.
New Instance button
Edit Apps > App Details
This will create a new (and actual) instance of the app. The button will only be enabled once the app has been published.
Draft instances of a 'minor version' app can be used for testing. See Testing Your App Using Draft Instances.
Permissions section
Edit Apps > App Details
This allows the owner to specify who can create new app instances. If it is a shared app, it also allows further permissions (editing, reporting etc.) to be set.
For a complete explanation of permissions options, go to Granting App Permissions.
Private Apps node
Shared Apps node
Edit Apps tree
When you create a new app, it is only visible and editable by the user who created it. However, you can share the app by selecting it from the tree or the recently edited list and then clicking the Share button at the bottom of the App Details area.
Once an app is shared, it is moved from the Private Apps top-level node of the tree to the Shared Apps top level node. Within the Shared Apps node are the names of any users who have shared apps. A shared app will be moved into the tree node with the name of its creator. A shared app can be returned to the Private Apps node by clicking the Unshare button.
See Allowing Others to Edit Your App
Publish button
Edit Apps > App Details
This publishes a production version of the app. Once published, the app can be deployed and accessed by respondents.
Recent Edits list
Edit Apps > Overview
Click on an app in the recently edited list to view the details for that app.
Edit Apps > App Details
The related section lists associated items within the PerfectApps account. Related items will include connections and any apps or reports linked using the ‘Show App,’ ‘Show Report,’ ‘Get field from other instance,’ or ‘Set field in other instance’ behavior commands.
If there are no related items, this section will not appear.
Search (by App Name)
Apps Workspace & Edit Apps > Overview
Enter search criteria to find a specific app. Use this search to locate an app by its name.
Partial name searches are supported.
Share/Unshare button
Edit Apps > App Details
Toggles an app between Shared and Private permission settings. Once an app is shared, it will be moved from the Private Apps top-level node of the tree to the Shared Apps top-level node. Within the Shared Apps node are the names of any users who have shared apps. A shared app will be moved into the tree node with the name of its creator. A shared app can be returned to the Private Apps node by clicking the Unshare button.
Status (Filter)
Apps Workspace
Filter the list of apps by their status.
Choose from Published or Draft.
To clear an existing filter, click it again from the list.
Update Date (Filter)
Apps Workspace
Filter the list of apps by their last updated dates.
Choose from Last Week, Last 30 Days, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months or Last Year.
To clear an existing filter, click it again from the list.
Version Section
Edit Apps > App Details
To revert to a previous version of the app, select the desired version (Latest, Published or Draft) from the Version section.
For a detailed explanation of version control options, see Working with Versions.
View button
Edit Apps > Open/Closed Instance details and App Instance details
Click the View button to see the actual app instance.