Setting the state of a group should be treated with caution as in most cases the state of the group will not affect the state of the individual objects within that group. This is specifically the case with the Read-Only state.
There are exceptions to this rule as follows:
Radio Buttons should always be in a group. Radio Buttons do not have an option for setting their state in their individual object properties. Radio Buttons inside a group will automatically assume the state of their group.
If a group, other than a Radio Button Group, has its state set as Disabled or Hidden then although the objects inside that group are not actually disabled or hidden they will appear that way to the user.
With the exception of Radio Buttons, if there is any doubt about the above exceptions or if objects inside a group have different access rules, it is better to set the state on all objects within the group rather than on the group itself. |
See also: Resetting Field States
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