The Table Child App Button is an app layout object found in the Table.
The Attributes section includes the object name and the caption.
Enter a name for the object. This is the name of the object as it will show in field chooser, the Navigation panel and other object lists.
Enter the text that you want displayed on the button.
The settings section includes the button type, app to be shown, relationship, custom parameters, positioning, tabbing, tool-tip and accessibility.
Child App Button Settings
Additional Information
Enter the text to be displayed in the child app button column header
Edit the width (in pixels) of the buttons presented in this column.
[App Selected]
Click the Select button to display the Select an App dialog. Here you can choose from any of your published private or shared apps to determine which app will be launched when the button is clicked. Once the app is selected, the app name will display in the read-only field to the left of the Select button on the Properties panel.
New Window
Creates a new app instance in a new browser window if checked, leaving the parent instance open in its own browser. In un-checked then the new instance is opened in the same browser and the parent instance is closed without being saved.
Show Error Message
Will display any error message if checked.
Custom Parameters
Click in the cell to enter a name for the parameter.
Setting Up Custom Parameters
Choose the source of the parameter to be passed. Options include an app field, object or a formula (if the Formula check box is checked). Note: Data passed cannot exceed 250 characters.
Setting Up Custom Parameters
Check this box to enable formula editing for the selected parameter. Then click in the Source column to launch the Formula and Conditions Editor.
Using the Formula and Condition Editor
Click the Add button to add a custom parameter to the list.
Click the Remove button to remove a custom parameter from the list.
The Style section contains properties that control the font appearance and theme applied to the object.
Additional Information
Select the font face for the caption text.
Fonts from the designers local machine will also be available provided the option to Use Custom Font has been selected in the Account Settings, however if the same font is not installed on the users machine then a standard font will be used to display the data.
Choose the size and style of the font for the caption text.

Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a default color for the text on the button.

Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a color for the text on the button to change to when an app user mouses over it.

Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a color for the text on the button when the app user clicks it.
Choose the style of the font for the caption text.
Enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to pick a color for the border.
Select a numeric value to represent the curvature of the object's corners. The higher the number, the more curved the the edges of the object will be.

The Normal option lets you set the button's default background color(s).
There are two color pickers available for this, enabling you to add duo-tone color gradation. The first controls the color for the top half of the button and the second controls the color for the bottom half of the button. For either color picker, you may enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to select the desired color.

The Over option lets you set the color(s) that will display for the button's background when an app user mouses over the button.
There are two color pickers available for this, enabling you to add duo-tone color gradation The first controls the color for the top half of the button and the second controls the color for the bottom half of the button. For either color picker, you may enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to select the desired color.

The Down option lets you set the color(s) that will display for the button's background when an app user clicks the button.
There are two color pickers available for this, enabling you to add duo-tone color gradation The first controls the color for the top half of the button and the second controls the color for the bottom half of the button. For either color picker, you may enter a Hex color code or click on the color box to select the desired color.
The Access section contains properties for field state management.
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