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Release Notes

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PerfectApps software updates can include new features, enhancements to existing features, or improvements.


Where new features, or enhancements to existing features, have been included, the details are listed below:


tog_minus        What's New in Version 7.3.0 (May 2024)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 7.2.0 (December 2023)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 7.1.0 (August 2023)


tog_plus        What's New in Version (March 2023)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 7.0.0 (January 2023)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 6.1.7 (August 2022)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 6.1.6 (June 2022)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 6.1.5 (February 2022)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 6.1.4 (August 2021)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 6.1.1 (April 2020)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 6.0.0 (Oct 2019)


tog_plus        What's New in Version 5.1.4 (Dec, 2018)